Продолжите текст: It is a very popular sport … . This is a because you must buy the right clothes boots and a hard hat to protect your head. A. But you must be careful on the roads. B. But it can be expensive. C. And it takes a long time to leam to ride. D. And they are dangerous animals.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Продолжите текст: It is a very popular sport … . This is a because you must buy the right clothes boots and a hard hat to protect your head.
A. But you must be careful on the roads.
B. But it can be expensive.
C. And it takes a long time to leam to ride.
D. And they are dangerous animals.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Ответ: B … Ето мое мнение


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