Приложение 7 1. Используйте to с глаголами, где это необходимо. Запишите предложения полностью. 1. We would like (go) to school today. 2. Everybody likes (play) computer games. 3. I can’t (speak ) German. 4. Mary can (count) quickly. 5. My mother could (play) the piano when she was 6 years old. 6. We must (help) our parents. 7. Don’t forget (take) the dog out. 8. Peter couldn’t (swim) when he was six.. помогите пж…

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Приложение 7
1. Используйте to с глаголами, где это необходимо. Запишите предложения полностью.
1. We would like (go) to school today.
2. Everybody likes (play) computer games.
3. I can’t (speak ) German.
4. Mary can (count) quickly.
5. My mother could (play) the piano when she was 6 years old.
6. We must (help) our parents.
7. Don’t forget (take) the dog out.
8. Peter couldn’t (swim) when he was six..
помогите пж…

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. We would like to go to school today.

2. Everybody likes play computer games.

3. I can’t speak German.

4. Mary can count quickly.

5. My mother could play the piano when she was 6 years old.

6. We must help our parents.

7. Don’t forget to take the dog out.

8. Peter couldn’t swim when he was six..

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