Преобразуйте предложения в косвенную речь, используя правила согласования времен: 1. Peter said to me: “What do you think of the canteen coffee?” 2. “Don’t forget your sandwiches,” — said his mother. 3. She asked us: “When will you be at home?” 4. He thought: “I have seen her somewhere.” 5. He said. “I phoned you yesterday.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Преобразуйте предложения в косвенную речь, используя правила согласования времен: 1. Peter said to me: “What do you think of the canteen coffee?” 2. “Don’t forget your sandwiches,” — said his mother. 3. She asked us: “When will you be at home?” 4. He thought: “I have seen her somewhere.” 5. He said. “I phoned you yesterday.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1.Peter said to me what I think of the canteen coffee

2.His mother said that he shouldn’t forget his sandwiches

3.She asked us when we’ll be at home

4.He thought that he had seen her somewhere

5.He said that he had phoned her yesterday

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