ПОСТРОЙ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ: 1. Rita /a sandcastle/ making/ is. 2. you/doing/are/What? 3. up and down/’m/not/on/jumping/the sofa/I 4. the bedroom/are/in/The children/sleeping. 5. having/a/They/great time/are. 4. Поставь глагол в правильную форму: 1. Sue ___ (watch) the cats in the garden. 2. Listen! Tom ______(play) the piano. 3. What ___(you/eat)? Is it an orange? 4. Look, Mum! I______ (paint) my face! 5. Where is Sandra? ___(she/climb) trees again? 6. The children ____(not swim)! They are playing!

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

ПОСТРОЙ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ: 1. Rita /a sandcastle/ making/ is. 2. you/doing/are/What? 3. up and down/’m/not/on/jumping/the sofa/I 4. the bedroom/are/in/The children/sleeping. 5. having/a/They/great time/are. 4. Поставь глагол в правильную форму: 1. Sue ___ (watch) the cats in the garden. 2. Listen! Tom ______(play) the piano. 3. What ___(you/eat)? Is it an orange? 4. Look, Mum! I______ (paint) my face! 5. Where is Sandra? ___(she/climb) trees again? 6. The children ____(not swim)! They are playing!

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. Rita is making a sandcastle

2. What are you doing?

3. im not jumping on the sofa up and down

4. The children are sleeping in the bedroom

5. They are having a great time

1. Is watching

2. Is playing

3. Are you eating

4. Painted

5. Is she climbing the trees

6. Aren’t swimming

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