Поставьте модальные глаголы в Past Simple или Future
Simple Tense.
1. They must be more careful. (Past Simple)
2. You may not talk loudly at the meeting. (Past Simple)
3. People from poor countries can’t go elsewhere looking for higher
incomes. (Future Simple)
4. The firm can select the output level maximizing its profit. (Past
5. There are a lot of factors in agriculture that must be assumed as
risks by the farmers. (Future Simple)

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Поставьте модальные глаголы в Past Simple или Future
Simple Tense.
1. They must be more careful. (Past Simple)
2. You may not talk loudly at the meeting. (Past Simple)
3. People from poor countries can’t go elsewhere looking for higher
incomes. (Future Simple)
4. The firm can select the output level maximizing its profit. (Past
5. There are a lot of factors in agriculture that must be assumed as
risks by the farmers. (Future Simple)

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. They had to be more careful.

2. You might not talk loudly at the meeting

3. People from poor countries won’t be able to go elsewhere looking for higher


4. The firm could select the output level maximizing its profit.

5. There are a lot of factors in agriculture that will have to be assumed as

risks by the farmers.

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