ПООООЖАЛУЙСТА помогите Выпишите глаголы и укажите их время Пожалуйста помогите. Очень надо. Срочно Brian Potter has been sandboarding for the past seven years. He loves it because he can do it pretty much anywhere there is sand! He says, «I’m a real speed freak and I find nothing more exciting than to take out my board and whizz down the sand dunes. » The general idea of sand-boarding is the same as snowboarding. People simply strap a board to their feet and slide down a hill. Brian says, «Last year, I entered the International Sandboarding Championships in Germany. There were around 50,000 entrants and l came 100th, so l was pretty proud.»

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Выпишите глаголы и укажите их время
Пожалуйста помогите. Очень надо. Срочно

Brian Potter has been sandboarding for the past seven years. He loves it because he can do it pretty much anywhere there is sand! He says, «I’m a real speed freak and I find nothing more exciting than to take out my board and whizz down the sand dunes. » The general idea of sand-boarding is the same as snowboarding. People simply strap a board to their feet and slide down a hill. Brian says, «Last year, I entered the International Sandboarding Championships in Germany. There were around 50,000 entrants and l came 100th, so l was pretty proud.»

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. has been sandboarding (present perfect cont)

2.loves (present simp)

3. can do (modal verb +inf)

4.says (present simp)

5.find(present simp)

6.strap (present simp)

7.slide(present simp)

8.says(present simp)

9.entered(past simp)

10.were(past simp)

11.came(past simp)

12. was(past simp)

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