Помогите Wednesday, the 13-th of May Listening test Listen to the text and do some tasks. I. Point out: — the number of people who don’t play musical instruments; — three things we need to be good musicians — the reason why some children are better at music than others — the number of hours that good musicians practice before they are 18 II. Put + or – 1. An American psychologist shows that practice is the key to musical success. 2. A lot of people don’t play a musical instrument. 3. To be good musicians you need not a kind teacher and lots of practice. 4. All young people are good at music. 5. 120 children from school played musical instruments. 6. The best musicians practice a lot.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Wednesday, the 13-th of May
Listening test
Listen to the text and do some tasks.
I. Point out:
— the number of people who don’t play musical instruments;
— three things we need to be good musicians
— the reason why some children are better at music than others
— the number of hours that good musicians practice before they are 18
II. Put + or –
1. An American psychologist shows that practice is the key to musical success.
2. A lot of people don’t play a musical instrument.
3. To be good musicians you need not a kind teacher and lots of practice.
4. All young people are good at music.
5. 120 children from school played musical instruments.
6. The best musicians practice a lot.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


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