Put the sentences in a logical order use them as a plan to tell the story.
1)Parents like Harry’s parties.
2)Harry visits children in hospitals.
3)He often goes to schools to talk to pupils.
4)Hamburger Harry is a special friend of children.
5)Harry gives everyone a present.
6)Harry’s restaurants give wonderful birthday parties.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Put the sentences in a logical order use them as a plan to tell the story.
1)Parents like Harry’s parties.
2)Harry visits children in hospitals.
3)He often goes to schools to talk to pupils.
4)Hamburger Harry is a special friend of children.
5)Harry gives everyone a present.
6)Harry’s restaurants give wonderful birthday parties.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. 4) 

2. 3)

3. 2)

4. 6)

5. 5)

6. 1)

Вроде так.

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