Помогите с английским, пожалуйста.
Нужно перевести предложения в косвенную речь.
1. «Do away with it?» she asked.
2. «Don`t yell, Alex» she said.
3. «Put it on her chair» she said.
4. «All right» he said.
5. «He`s yours» she said.
6. «Please don`t kill it» she sobbed.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите с английским, пожалуйста.
Нужно перевести предложения в косвенную речь.
1. «Do away with it?» she asked.
2. «Don`t yell, Alex» she said.
3. «Put it on her chair» she said.
4. «All right» he said.
5. «He`s yours» she said.
6. «Please don`t kill it» she sobbed.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. She asked me to do away with it. Или She asked me if I did away with it.

2. She told Alex not to yell.

3. She said to put it on her chair.

4. He agreed.

5. She told me that he was mine.

6. She sobbed and pleaded not to kill it.

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