Помогите срочно !!! Даю 30 баллов! Заранее спасибо ❤️ Look at the msp and where these cities are situated. example: Portsmouth is situated in the south of England . Newcastle… Brighton… York… Durham… Plymouth…

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите срочно !!! Даю 30 баллов! Заранее спасибо ❤️

Look at the msp and where these cities are situated.
example: Portsmouth is situated in the south of England .

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык



Newcastle is situated in the North East if England.

Brighton is situated resort in the country of East Sussex

York is a city found in England,The United Kingdom.

Durham is situated in North East England.

Plymouth is a city in Devon and the largest city on England’s south coast

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