Помогите составить диалог на тему проблемы подростков в школе. 2 друга, 1 из которых рассказывает о проблемах, второй выслушивает и находит решение.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите составить диалог на тему проблемы подростков в школе. 2 друга, 1 из которых рассказывает о проблемах, второй выслушивает и находит решение.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


first character- Amy- the girl who talks about school issues

second character- John — her friend, listener

A: Hey John, do you have a minute?

J: Of course, what the matter?

A: Well, I am really hungry, do you have anything to eat?

J: I do, but why don’t you eat in school canteen?

A: The food in the canteen is awful. The taste is bad, and all meals are cold!

J: Don’t you want to discuss this problem in school parlament?

A: I’m afraid I won’t be listened.

J: I’ll go with you, why didn’t you asked me earlier? We need to have this problem removed!

A: thanks a lot, can we go tommorow?

J: sure!

2 variant

First character-Lora, she talks about school issues

second character- her friend, Alice — listener

A: Hi, Lora

L: Hi.

A: What the matter? You look really sad. Something bad happend?

L: You know, i’m really tired of this bulling. My classmate thew my backpack in the window!

A: I feel sorry. Why would he do this?

L: I thinl he just don’t like me

A: That’s not the reason. Have you talked with the teacher?

L: No, should I?

A: Definetly yes! He must be punished!

L: Can you go with me?

A: sure! Let’s go!

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