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Friedrich Wilhelm Frӧbel (1782 – 1852)
Friedrich Wilhelm Frӧbel
1.(be) a German educator and founder of the kindergarten. Frӧbel
2.___________ (found) an infant school in 1837 that he later
3. _________ (call) the Kindergarten, or “garden of children”. His name is also closely associated with the first systematic theory of early childhood pedagogy. Frӧbel
4._____________ (see) early childhood development as a special phase during which the child expresses himself through play. Child’s play
5. _____ (be) a process of discovery and recognition that let the child see the unity, as well as the diversity, of things in nature. Frӧbel
6. ___________ (devise) a collection geometric playthings, or “gifts”, as he 7. ________ (call) them, and various exercises or occupations, such as folding, cutting, and weaving, to make the symbolic forms teal or dynamic for the child.
8.____________ (believe) that the young child learned best not through formal instructions but through play and imitation, “self-activity”. In accordance with Frӧbel’s theories, the teacher’s role 9.________(be) not to dictate his will on the children but to encourage their self-expression through play, both individually and in group activities. Modern educational techniques in kindergarten are indebted to him.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. was
2. found
3. called  
4. saw
5. was
6. devised
7. called 
8. believed
9. was 

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