Помогите пож, напишите как читается на русский. I love the works of science fiction and adventure. And there is a story that I burn with the desire to re-read again and again. This is the «Harry Potter». The story tells about a little boy Harry, who lives in the home of his aunt. Once he learns that he is a wizard and he needs to go to study at Hogwarts magic school. And that’s where the story begins. In subsequent parts of 7 we learn how great magician Harry. He meets new friends, studying, playing sports, and wins the most evil wizard in the world. These books are taught how to be friendly, loyal and strong. They show how to overcome difficulties, and how important family and friends

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите пож, напишите как читается на русский. I love the works of science fiction and adventure. And there is a story that I burn with the desire to re-read again and again. This is the «Harry Potter». The story tells about a little boy Harry, who lives in the home of his aunt. Once he learns that he is a wizard and he needs to go to study at Hogwarts magic school. And that’s where the story begins. In subsequent parts of 7 we learn how great magician Harry. He meets new friends, studying, playing sports, and wins the most evil wizard in the world. These books are taught how to be friendly, loyal and strong. They show how to overcome difficulties, and how important family and friends

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Ай лав за воркс оф сайнс фиктишан энд эдвенчер. Энд зер из а стори зет ай берн виз зе …

Это очень сложно и в английском мягкие звуки, поэтому бессмысленно это продолжать

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