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VIII. Match the words to their definitions.
aesthetic  culmination  imagination  magic
magician  masterpiece  talent  unique  value
1) something made or done with great skill: the best example; 2) the degree of
usefulness of something; 3) understanding and appreciating of what is beautiful,
especially in the arts, music, nature; 4) act of controlling events by the pretended
use of supernatural forces; 5) having no like or equal; being the only one of its sort;
6) the highest point; 7) a person skilled in magic; 8) the act or ability of forming
mental images of objects; 9) natural power or ability to do something very well.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1 masterpiece

2 value

4 magic

5 unique

6 culmination

7 magician

9 talent

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