Помогите!!!!!! Пожалуйста!!!!!!! Change the sentences. Reported speech 1. She asked me not to speak so loudly as the children were sleeping. She said to me «_______________________ 2. Dave said that they had been swimming in the river for two hours the day before. Dave said: «___________________________ 3. He suggested going to the pictures. «Let1s ___________________________ 4. «Which countries will Tom be visiting?» You didn`t say ________________________ 5. «Shall I invite them to dinner?» She wanted to know _____________________

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите!!!!!! Пожалуйста!!!!!!!
Change the sentences. Reported speech
1. She asked me not to speak so loudly as the children were sleeping.
She said to me «_______________________
2. Dave said that they had been swimming in the river for two hours the day before.
Dave said: «___________________________
3. He suggested going to the pictures.
«Let1s ___________________________
4. «Which countries will Tom be visiting?»
You didn`t say ________________________
5. «Shall I invite them to dinner?»
She wanted to know _____________________

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. Don’t speak so loudly! Children are sleeping.

2. We were swimming in the river for two hours yesterday.

3. Let’s go to the pictures.

4. You didn’t say which countries Tom would be visiting.

5. She wanted to know if she should invite them to dinner.

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