Помогите пожалуйста. Read and complete. My friends (come) came to Uzbekistan for summer holidays. They (see) …. a lot of old and beautiful cities in Uzbekistan. They (like)…. Tashkent Train Museum. Then they (go)… to Buhara by train. My friends (are)… very happy. They (have)… a special holiday for this summer. They (say)…., It (is)….. great!

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите пожалуйста. Read and complete. My friends (come) came to Uzbekistan for summer holidays. They (see) …. a lot of old and beautiful cities in Uzbekistan. They (like)…. Tashkent Train Museum. Then they (go)… to Buhara by train. My friends (are)… very happy. They (have)… a special holiday for this summer. They (say)…., It (is)….. great!

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык




(go)- went





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