Помогите пожалуйста с английским ! Очень непростое задание!
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend,Arnold by name.In his letter Arnold writes :
«Yesterday evening we had Christmas dinner.
The day before yesterday we had decorated the X-mas three,then Mum and Granny cooked some tasty things we had for dinner. I wrote my resolutions : Starting today I will :
1. Be nice to everyone,whether I like them or not.
2. Stop lying.
3. Stop forgetting my Algebra notebook. 4. Keep my comments myself .
Do you celebrate X-mas? With whom do you usually celebrate it? Do you ever make resolutions? Where did you spend your last X-mas and school holidays? I’m going to visit the USA in January. «
Write a letter to Arnold .
In your letter :
answer his questions ;
ask 3 questions about his plans for his journey to the USA

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите пожалуйста с английским ! Очень непростое задание!
You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend,Arnold by name.In his letter Arnold writes :
«Yesterday evening we had Christmas dinner.
The day before yesterday we had decorated the X-mas three,then Mum and Granny cooked some tasty things we had for dinner. I wrote my resolutions : Starting today I will :
1. Be nice to everyone,whether I like them or not.
2. Stop lying.
3. Stop forgetting my Algebra notebook. 4. Keep my comments myself .
Do you celebrate X-mas? With whom do you usually celebrate it? Do you ever make resolutions? Where did you spend your last X-mas and school holidays? I’m going to visit the USA in January. «
Write a letter to Arnold .
In your letter :
answer his questions ;
ask 3 questions about his plans for his journey to the USA

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Dear Arnold,

Thank you for your letter! It was interesting to read about your Christmas celebration and your resolutions.

We celebrate X-mas too, on January 7th. I usually celebrate it with my parents and grandparents at my grandparents’ house in the country. But as for my last X-mas and school holidays I spent them at home. I don’t make any resolutions but I think it is a good idea and I will make some resolutions next year.

It’s great to hear that you are going to visit the USA. What part of the US are you going to visit? Who are you going with? How long are you going to be there?

I’ll be looking forward to your letter telling about your journey.

Best wishes,

ваше имя

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