ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СРОООЧНО!!!!!Образуй правильную часть речи, используя суффиксы 1. Last Monday it was(wind) and(fog). 2.Peter is a very good(swim) and a good basketball(play) too. 3.There was a(colour) picture in the book about London.4. My aunt says that she is going to keep to a (health) diet.5. Ann is a(success) journalist.6.My friend doesn`t want to talk with me and it is very(pain). Даю 20 Б.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СРОООЧНО!!!!!Образуй правильную часть речи, используя суффиксы

1. Last Monday it was(wind) and(fog). 2.Peter is a very good(swim) and a good basketball(play) too. 3.There was a(colour) picture in the book about London.4. My aunt says that she is going to keep to a (health) diet.5. Ann is a(success) journalist.6.My friend doesn`t want to talk with me and it is very(pain). Даю 20 Б.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. Windy, foggy

2. Swimmer, player

3. Colourful

4. Healthy

5. Successful

6. Painful

(Помогите мне с русским, если можно :(( )

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