Помогите, пожалуйста, перевод не нужен! Open the brackets choosing between a Gerund or an Infinitive: Patterns: a) Williams did not want to go into the trouble (to inform) the Board. Williams did not want to go into the trouble of informing the Board. b) The Managing Director was unwilling (to raise) the matter. The Managing Director was unwilling to raise the matter. Smallcrown had revived the BSM-3 project with a view (to diver-sify) their product range. Modern Phones were also interested (to market) a digital electronic device similar to the BSM-3. Both compa-nies were eager (to get) financial support from Eldridge’s Bank. Nick Anderson, the Managing Director of Modern Phones, had already drawn up proposals (to develop) his product and he took every oppor-tunity (to present) his case to Mr Eldridge. John Williams, on the other hand, insisted on (to treat) Smallcrown’s project as confidential. He mantained that there was no point (to discuss) the plans until detailed information was available. Mr Eldridge was unwilling (to de-cide) which firm to support. His assistant, Coleman, thought there was a good case (to invest) in Modern. Phones and he persisted (to draw) the Bank Director’s attention to the advantages (to support) Anderson. However, Mr Eldridge was not prepared (to commit) himself.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите, пожалуйста, перевод не нужен!
Open the brackets choosing between a Gerund or an Infinitive:

Patterns: a) Williams did not want to go into the trouble (to inform) the Board. Williams did not want to go into the trouble of informing the Board. b) The Managing Director was unwilling (to raise) the matter. The Managing Director was unwilling to raise the matter.

Smallcrown had revived the BSM-3 project with a view (to diver-sify) their product range. Modern Phones were also interested (to market) a digital electronic device similar to the BSM-3. Both compa-nies were eager (to get) financial support from Eldridge’s Bank. Nick Anderson, the Managing Director of Modern Phones, had already drawn up proposals (to develop) his product and he took every oppor-tunity (to present) his case to Mr Eldridge. John Williams, on the other hand, insisted on (to treat) Smallcrown’s project as confidential. He mantained that there was no point (to discuss) the plans until detailed information was available. Mr Eldridge was unwilling (to de-cide) which firm to support. His assistant, Coleman, thought there was a good case (to invest) in Modern. Phones and he persisted (to draw) the Bank Director’s attention to the advantages (to support) Anderson. However, Mr Eldridge was not prepared (to commit) himself.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Раскройте скобки, выбирая между Герундием или Инфинитивом:

Модели: а) Уильямс не хотите идти в беду (информировать) Совета. Уильямс не хочу вдаваться в проблемы информирования Совета. б) управляющий директор не желает (поднять) вопрос. Управляющий директор не хотел поднять этот вопрос.

Smallcrown была возрождена БСМ-3 проекта с целью (разнообразить) свой ассортимент. Современные телефоны также были заинтересованы (на рынок) цифровое электронное устройство, похожее на БСМ-3. Обе компании стремятся (к вам) финансовую поддержку от банка Элдриджа. Ник Андерсон, управляющий директор современные телефоны, уже составлены предложения (развивать) свой продукт и он пользовался любой возможностью (представить) свое дело мистер Элдридж. Джон Уильямс, с другой стороны, настаивал на (для лечения) проект Smallcrown как конфиденциальную. Он поддерживаетс что нет смысла (обсуждать) планы пока вся информация. Мистер Элдридж не желала (решать) какую фирму поддержки. Его помощник, Коулман, думал, что хорошее дело (инвестировать) в современной. Телефоны и он сохраняется (обратить) внимание директор Банка преимущества (для поддержки) Андерсон. Однако, мистер Элдридж был не готов (совершить) сам.

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