Помогите пожалуйста надо вставить в пропуски — can,could, or be able to
Complete the sentences with the correct form of can,could, or be able to.

Example: We were so hungry we couldn’t wait for dinner, so we ordered pizza.

After three months living here, I ________
understand quite a lot of Russian.
2I’m free tonight, so I’ll ________ come and help you if you like.
3I’d love ________ play a musical instrument.
4________ you lend me a pen, please?
5I’ve never ________draw well, but my sister is brilliant.
6What does this label say? I ________ see without my glasses.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите пожалуйста надо вставить в пропуски — can,could, or be able to
Complete the sentences with the correct form of can,could, or be able to.

Example: We were so hungry we couldn’t wait for dinner, so we ordered pizza.

After three months living here, I ________
understand quite a lot of Russian.
2I’m free tonight, so I’ll ________ come and help you if you like.
3I’d love ________ play a musical instrument.
4________ you lend me a pen, please?
5I’ve never ________draw well, but my sister is brilliant.
6What does this label say? I ________ see without my glasses.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. could.

2. be able to.

3. to be able to.

4. could.

5. been able to.

6. can’t. 

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