Помогите пожалуйста!!! Как читается текст на английском языке только рускими буквами. When you want to buy something you go to a shop or market. To buy food in Britain people usually go to the baker’s, to the butcher’s, to the sweet shop or to the greengrocer’s. lf you need either sugar or rice, you go to the grocer’s. lf you need fish, you go to the fishmonger’s. At the dairy’s you can buy dairy products like milk or cream. But nowadays supermarkets become more and more popular. They use the self-service system. lt means you walk round the shop and choose what you want. You can use trolleys. At the exit you pay for all your goods at the cashier. If you are a traveller in Britain, you should know some popular shops and supermarkets. Sainsbury’s are very big supermarkets. They are for richer people who want to do shopping once a week or even once a month. Tesco supermarkets are leaders, too. But they sell goods at cheaper prices. British Home Stores ( BHS) is a group of large shops selling mainly clothes and other products for the houses.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите пожалуйста!!! Как читается текст на английском языке только рускими буквами. When you want to buy something you go to a shop or market. To buy food in Britain people usually go to the baker’s, to the butcher’s, to the sweet shop or to the greengrocer’s. lf you need either sugar or rice, you go to the grocer’s. lf you need fish, you go to the fishmonger’s. At the dairy’s you can buy dairy products like milk or cream. But nowadays supermarkets become more and more popular. They use the self-service system. lt means you walk round the shop and choose what you want. You can use trolleys. At the exit you pay for all your goods at the cashier. If you are a traveller in Britain, you should know some popular shops and supermarkets. Sainsbury’s are very big supermarkets. They are for richer people who want to do shopping once a week or even once a month. Tesco supermarkets are leaders, too. But they sell goods at cheaper prices. British Home Stores ( BHS) is a group of large shops selling mainly clothes and other products for the houses.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


Вен ю вонт ту бай самфинг ю гоу ту э шоп ор макит.Ту бай фуд ин британ пипол южули гоу ту зе бакерс,ту зе бачерс,ту зе свит шоп ор ту зе грингроусерс.Иф ю нид айва шуга ор райс, ю гоу ту зе гросерс.Иф ю нид фишь,ю гоу ту зе фишьмонгэрс.Эт зе дэрис ю кян бай дейри продуктс лайк милк ор айскрим.Бат навэдэйс супермакетс бекам мо энд мо популяр. Зей юз зе селф-сервис систэм. И минс ю волк раунд зе шоп энд чуз вот ю вонт. Ю кян юз троллерс.Эт зе эхит ю пэй фор ол йоур гудс эт зе кэшер. Иф ю а травелер ин Бритэн, ю шуд ноу сам популяр шопс энд сьюпормакитс.Сэинбарис а вери биг сьюпомакитс. Зей а фор рича пипол ху вонт ту ду шопинг ванс э вик ор ивен ванс э маф.Тесго сьюпомакитс а лидерс,ту.Бат зей сел гудс эт чипер прайсис. Бритишь Хоум Сторис(БиХашЭс) и э груп оф лач шопс селлинг мэинли клозерс энд одер продукс фор зе хаусис.

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