Помогите пожалуйста дам 27 баллов Task2: Ex10 pl103. Complete the exchanges with some, any, every, compounds.( someone/anyone/everyone/no one, something/anything/ everything/nothing, somewhere/anywhere/everywhere/nowhere ) 1 A: I don’t know… who goes shopping at Clara’s Accessories now. B: I know. … in there is so expensive these days! 2 A: Hello! Is there… I can do for you? and their B: Yes. I’m looking for a new jacket. Have you got… black ones? 3 A: Are you going to buy … today? B: No, there’s … nice on sale. Let’s go for lunch. 4 A: Have you got .. gloves I can borrow? It’s freezing outside! B: Sure. I’ve got a blue pair that matches your coat. Let me see if I can find them. 5 A: I want those new trainers. .. in my class has got a pair! B: Really? I haven’t seen .. wearing them around town.​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите пожалуйста дам 27 баллов
Task2: Ex10 pl103. Complete the exchanges with some, any, every, compounds.( someone/anyone/everyone/no one, something/anything/ everything/nothing, somewhere/anywhere/everywhere/nowhere ) 1 A: I don’t know… who goes shopping at Clara’s Accessories now. B: I know. … in there is so expensive these days! 2 A: Hello! Is there… I can do for you? and their B: Yes. I’m looking for a new jacket. Have you got… black ones? 3 A: Are you going to buy … today? B: No, there’s … nice on sale. Let’s go for lunch. 4 A: Have you got .. gloves I can borrow? It’s freezing outside! B: Sure. I’ve got a blue pair that matches your coat. Let me see if I can find them. 5 A: I want those new trainers. .. in my class has got a pair! B: Really? I haven’t seen .. wearing them around town.​

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык



1)  А: anybody/anyone

   B: everything

2)  A: anything

   B: any

3)  A: anything

   B: nothing

4)  A: any

   B: somewhere

5)  A: Everybody

   B: anybody/anyone

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