ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК 7 КЛАСС1. Закончите предложения, используя слова: carton, box, jar, cup, glass or bottle. 1.The honey came in a big ______________.2. Can you pass me the ______________of cereal?3. Shall we buy a ______________of water?4. Can I have a______________of juice, please?5. I’d love a ______________ of tea!2. Вставьте пропущенные слова: much, many, few, little, some, any 1. Is there _____ sugar in the cupboard?2. There is _____ juice in the glass.3. The baby has a_____ milk left in her bottle.4. I’m going to ask Katie for a _____ tomatoes for the salad.5. We haven’t got _____ olive oil.6. How _____ apples do you have?​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

1. Закончите предложения, используя слова: carton, box, jar, cup, glass or bottle.

1.The honey came in a big ______________.

2. Can you pass me the ______________of cereal?

3. Shall we buy a ______________of water?

4. Can I have a______________of juice, please?

5. I’d love a ______________ of tea!

2. Вставьте пропущенные слова: much, many, few, little, some, any

1. Is there _____ sugar in the cupboard?

2. There is _____ juice in the glass.

3. The baby has a_____ milk left in her bottle.

4. I’m going to ask Katie for a _____ tomatoes for the salad.

5. We haven’t got _____ olive oil.

6. How _____ apples do you have?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1.  jar

2. box

3/ bottle

4. carton

5. cup


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