Помогите пж не чего не понимаю плс умоляю ИЩЕ НАКИНУ 100 БАЛОВ ТОЛЬКО ПОМОГИТЕ Вот задание :Change the sentences to express unreal conditio c) Will your father get upset if he is dismissed? d) What will happen to our environment if people dont protect it? e) Will you be able to talk to the deaf if you learn the sign language? f) If you are not very busy, will you travel to the USA?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите пж не чего не понимаю плс умоляю ИЩЕ НАКИНУ 100 БАЛОВ ТОЛЬКО ПОМОГИТЕ
Вот задание :Change the sentences to express unreal conditio
c) Will your father get upset if he is dismissed?
d) What will happen to our environment if people dont protect it?
e) Will you be able to talk to the deaf if you learn the sign language?
f) If you are not very busy, will you travel to the USA?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Will your father be happy if he gets fired? 2, what happened to our land if people ruined it 3, you can’t talk to a deaf person because you don’t know the sign language 4 you are busy, you can’t go to the USA

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