Помогите перевести в косвенную речь

Jack said, «I work hard»
I told her «you can join us»
Fred said, «I have invented a new computer program»
Mary said, «I’ll help my sister.»
They told me «you were very lucky»
She said «I live in a large apartment»
He told her, «I went to the store»
Betty said, «I found my passport»
Mr. Ford said, «I don’t like pork»
Little Tom said to his mother «I’m sleepy»

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите перевести в косвенную речь

Jack said, «I work hard»
I told her «you can join us»
Fred said, «I have invented a new computer program»
Mary said, «I’ll help my sister.»
They told me «you were very lucky»
She said «I live in a large apartment»
He told her, «I went to the store»
Betty said, «I found my passport»
Mr. Ford said, «I don’t like pork»
Little Tom said to his mother «I’m sleepy»

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

John said he worked hard

I said she could join us

John said he invented a new computer program

Mary said she would help her sister

They told me I was very lucky

he said to her he went to the store

Betty said she had found her passport

Mr Ford said he did not like pork

Little Tom said to his mother he was sleepy

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