Помогите о рассказе про Снежного барса / Ирбиса на английском языке

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

In the Himalaya mountains lives a Snow leopard . It is also called IRBIS. He is considered the king of the neighborhood . Snow leopard is not very big , its weight does not exceed forty pounds , height IRBIS zero point and six-tenths meters length and one and three-tenths meters. Leopard like a leopard, but its color is smoky — gray , with dark rings . The fur is thick, fluffy, one on the tail. And he climbs the mountain slopes to a height of five thousand meters.

Once in the mountains of the Himalayas, Snow leopards lived with his mother. Once mom went on the hunt and the snow leopard remained in the home. The mother began to chase the Groundhog to feed the little boy. But suddenly from somewhere appeared two hunters. When the hunters saw a mother snow leopard, they both looked at each — other. And shot her. Mother leopard fled until then, until it ran out of power. The little snow leopard was waiting for his mother, but she did not. The case has been in the evening. Without waiting for her mother, a Snow leopard out of the home, see where she is. IRBIS has never went hunting. The hunters knew that the mother leopard lived here not one. They decided that like could wait and maybe someone will find it. IRBIS walked, but no production could not find. The hunters saw this little snow leopard and began to shoot him. But he ran away from them and escaped, but the hunters shot him in the leg. Bars could no longer run and fell, because he had no strength. But he was approached by a man . IRBIS thought he wanted to kill him, he wanted to flee , to escape , but could not. This man saw that the IRBIS wounded paw. He gently took it and carried home .In the house of the man who brought Barca, it was very warm. Hunter bandaged his leg and fed. And IRBIS immediately fell asleep near the stove.

The time has passed . IRBIS grew up , became healthy . Then the man released him in the mountains . In the mountains of leopards he met his soul mate , and they had offspring . IRBIS was a good father and a hunter. Here such history happened with the Snow leopard.

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