Помогите, нужно выбрать which/that итд

Use which and that to refer to things or ideas.
e.g. It’s the programme which/that stars Katie Holmes.
Use who and that to refer to people.
e.g. She’s the actress who/that married Tom Cruise.
Use relative pronouns to link pieces of information about a person or thing.
e.g. Marie Curie was a scientist. She discovered radium. = Marie Curie was the scientist who discovered radium.
The information after the relative pronoun often defines the subject.
e.g. A search engine is a programme that finds information.
e.g. A newsreader is a person who presents news on the TV or radio.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите, нужно выбрать which/that итд

Use which and that to refer to things or ideas.
e.g. It’s the programme which/that stars Katie Holmes.
Use who and that to refer to people.
e.g. She’s the actress who/that married Tom Cruise.
Use relative pronouns to link pieces of information about a person or thing.
e.g. Marie Curie was a scientist. She discovered radium. = Marie Curie was the scientist who discovered radium.
The information after the relative pronoun often defines the subject.
e.g. A search engine is a programme that finds information.
e.g. A newsreader is a person who presents news on the TV or radio.

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1. that


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