Помогите написать диалог по английскому про семью не большой

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите написать диалог по английскому про семью не большой

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

David: This is the family picture when I was 7.

Henry: I can recognize your parents next to you. And who is this old lady?

D: This is my grandma, don’ you see?

H: I see now. And this is your grandpa next to the tall man. They look alike, by the way. Are they related?

D: You guessed it right. This tall man is my uncle Tom and this is my auntie Sophia.

H:  And where is your sister?

D: Alexis is next to my dad.

H: She is so little, how old is she here?

D: She is 4.

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