Помогите надо по англискому языку сочинение про выходные написать.Я на даче была с подругой!УМОЛЯЮ ПОМАГИТЕ

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите надо по англискому языку сочинение про выходные написать.Я на даче была с подругой!УМОЛЯЮ ПОМАГИТЕ

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

I had a really great weekend. On Saturday I went to my summer cottage (dacha) with my best friend. We arrived to my family’s dacha in the afternoon and then decided to have lunch. After having lunch me and my friend went outdoors for a walk. We walked along the streets until we came to the small forest which was not very far from the dacha. My best friend thought that it wasn’t a very good idea to come into the forest so we returned back home. In the house we played chess, had dinner and then watched TV but not for long. On Sunday we woke up very early and after a quick breakfast we continued our adventures outside. We climbed trees, swam in the river and in the evening parents took us home. It was an amazing weekend.

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