Помогите. вставьте и объясните почему именно так.
Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.
1) The music sounds (long/loudly). 2) The Diamond Jubilee of Queen
Elizabeth II (celebrated/was celebrated) in 2012. 3) Young Elizabeth and
her sister Margaret were (educated/education) at home. 4) I bought my
new mobile at a very (responsible/sensible) price. 5) (In/To) my opinion,
you are not quite right here. 6) Let’s meet at the (enter/entrance) to
the building. 7) The roses smelt (sweet/sweetly). 8) M y little brother is
ill. He must be looked (for/after). 9) The campers put (out/down) the
fire before leaving. 10) The earlier you begin to (learn/study) to swim
the better.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Помогите. вставьте и объясните почему именно так.
Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.
1) The music sounds (long/loudly). 2) The Diamond Jubilee of Queen
Elizabeth II (celebrated/was celebrated) in 2012. 3) Young Elizabeth and
her sister Margaret were (educated/education) at home. 4) I bought my
new mobile at a very (responsible/sensible) price. 5) (In/To) my opinion,
you are not quite right here. 6) Let’s meet at the (enter/entrance) to
the building. 7) The roses smelt (sweet/sweetly). 8) M y little brother is
ill. He must be looked (for/after). 9) The campers put (out/down) the
fire before leaving. 10) The earlier you begin to (learn/study) to swim
the better.

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