Перепишите предложения в страдательном залоге 1) the police are looking into the matter 2)Somebody tied the parcel up with string 3)Somebody is looking after the children while the are away 4)Nobody paid for the book 5)The waiter poured our the wine for us 6)They wrote down everything he said 7)The witch turned the prince into a frog 8)His competitors have taken over his firm

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Перепишите предложения в страдательном залоге

1) the police are looking into the matter
2)Somebody tied the parcel up with string
3)Somebody is looking after the children while the are away
4)Nobody paid for the book
5)The waiter poured our the wine for us
6)They wrote down everything he said
7)The witch turned the prince into a frog
8)His competitors have taken over his firm

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

The matter is being looked into by the police.

The parcel was tied up with a string  by somebody. 
The children are being 
looked after by somebody while they are away.

The book was paid for by nobody.

 The wine was poured out  for us by the waiter
 Everything he said was wriitten down by them.

The prince was turned  into a frog by the witch.

His film has been taken over by his competitors

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