перевести в косвенную речь 1. dima said to me «call me tomorrow»2.she said to me «don’t shout at me»3. «i think my friends has finished reading «Jane Eyre» , » said Tanya.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

перевести в косвенную речь
1. dima said to me «call me tomorrow»
2.she said to me «don’t shout at me»
3. «i think my friends has finished reading «Jane Eyre» , » said Tanya.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. Dima asked me to call him the next day.
2. She asked me not to  shout at her.
3. Tanya said that she thought her friends had finished reading «Jane Eyre».

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