Переведите текст( Granny:Oh, nice. Or maybe it seemed nicer because I was so young then. Well, John Lennon went to my school. Quarry Bank High School. He played in a band called the Quarrymen. We were crazy about John. Stella: Why did he bunk off? Granny: I think he was very unhappy at that time. His mum died in an accident. She was crossing the street when a car hit her. John was devastated by it. His dad had left home earlier. He worked on a ship like a lot of men from Liverpool at that time. I think music helped him a lot in getting over it. John met Paul Mccartney who joined the Quarrymen in 1957. They soon changed the band’s name to The Beatles. They played in the Cavern Club in Liverpool every night and they soon became the most popular band in England. Your grandpa bought their first single Love me do. Stella: Oh, I know, one of those funny black records. Granny: Yes, he still has it. It’s a bit scratchy, though… Stella: What did you like about their music? Granny: I liked the beat. I loved the lyrics and the sound of the electric guitars. But, I also loved their use of other classical musical instruments. Their look, with The Beatles jacket and hairstyle, was special, too. It was created by their manager, Brian Epstein. Stella: What songs did you like best, granny? Granny: Lots of them. I want to hold your hand, With a little help from my frends, She’s leaving home… There are so many nice memories that come back with them. When your mum was a baby, and when she was cranky, I let her listen to Blackbird and Octopus’s Garden. These were her favourites. Now I like When I’m 64. Oh dear, it all seemed like… Yesterday. (starts singing). Lets have a cup of tea now!

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Переведите текст( Granny:Oh, nice. Or maybe it seemed nicer because I was so young then. Well, John Lennon went to my school. Quarry Bank High School. He played in a band called the Quarrymen. We were crazy about John.
Stella: Why did he bunk off?
Granny: I think he was very unhappy at that time. His mum died
in an accident. She was crossing the street when a car hit
her. John was devastated by it. His dad had left home
earlier. He worked on a ship like a lot of men from Liverpool
at that time. I think music helped him a lot in getting over it.
John met Paul Mccartney who joined the Quarrymen in
1957. They soon changed the band’s name to The Beatles.
They played in the Cavern Club in Liverpool every night and
they soon became the most popular band in England. Your
grandpa bought their first single Love me do.
Stella: Oh, I know, one of those funny black records.
Granny: Yes, he still has it. It’s a bit scratchy, though…
Stella: What did you like about their music?
Granny: I liked the beat. I loved the lyrics
and the sound of the electric guitars.
But, I also loved their use of other
classical musical instruments. Their
look, with
The Beatles jacket and hairstyle, was
special, too. It was created by their
manager, Brian Epstein.
Stella: What songs did you like best,
Granny: Lots of them. I want to hold your
hand, With a little help from my
frends, She’s leaving home… There are so many nice
memories that come
back with them. When your mum was
a baby, and when she was cranky, I let
her listen to Blackbird and Octopus’s
Garden. These were her favourites. Now
I like When I’m 64. Oh dear, it all
seemed like… Yesterday. (starts
singing). Lets have a cup of tea now!

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Бабушка:Ох, хорошо. Или, может, это казалось лучше, потому что я была так молода тогда. Ну, Джон Леннон ходил в мою школу. Карьер Высшей Школы Банка. Он играл в группе под названием «Кворримен». Мы были без ума от Джона. Стелла: почему он слинял?Бабушка: я думаю, что он был очень несчастен в тот период времени. Его мама умерла в результате несчастного случая. Она переходила дорогу, когда попала под машинуее. Джон был опустошен он. Его отец ушел из домаранее. Он работал на корабле, как многие мужчины из Ливерпуляв то время. Я думаю, что музыка помогла ему много получаю за это.Джон познакомился с Полом Маккартни, который вступил в группу quarrymen, в1957. Вскоре они изменили название группы «Битлз».Они играли в клубе cavern в Ливерпуле каждую ночь ивскоре они стали самой популярной группой в Англии. Вашдедушка купил их первый сингл Люби меня сделать.Стелла: О, я знаю, один из тех забавных черных записей. Бабушка: Да, он все еще имеет его. Это хоть и немного колючий,…Стелла: что вам нравится их музыка?Бабуля: мне понравился ритм. Я любил текст песнии звук электрогитары.Но, я также любил их использования другимиклассических музыкальных инструментов. Ихпосмотрите, сКуртки Битлз и прическу, былспециальные, тоже. Он был создан по ихменеджер Брайан Эпстайн.Стелла: какие песни вам больше всего понравилось,бабуля?Бабушка: много их. Я хочу держать тебясилы, с небольшой помощью моихфрендс, она уезжает домой… там очень много хорошихвоспоминания, которые приходятобратно с ними. Когда твоя мама быларебенка, и когда она капризничает, я позволяюее слушать черный Дрозд и осьминогаСад. Это были ее любимцы. СейчасМне нравится, когда мне будет 64. Ой, всеказалось бы… вчера. (начинаетсяпение). Позволяет выпить чашку чая сейчас!

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