Переведите предложения в косвенную речь.
1. Her friend said “This film greatly impressed me”. 1
2. Father told his daughter “There are a lot of flowers in the garden”.
3. “I will go with you if you help me”
4. I said “It’s June”.
5. “I saw him, he was there that day”
6. Carrie said “I haven’t ever been in London”

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. Her friend saidthat that film had greatly impressed him.
2. Father told his daughter that there were a lot of flowers in the garden.
3. He promised to go with me if I helped him.
4. I said that it was June.
5. She says that she saw him as he was there that day.
6. Carrie said that she had never been to London.