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WALT DISNEY’S WORLD I think you know the name of Walt Disney. To many people in our century his name means the world of cartoons. Disney has created a lot of short cartoons and many longer films. His name is very famous, and not only in America. Walt Disney was born in Chicago on December 5, 1901. Then his family left that city in the North of America for a place in the South. When Walt Disney grew up, he began to draw pictures and create cartoons, and one day he had an idea to make a mouse the main character of the cartoons. He told his wife, Lidia, about this mouse character as a funny friendly little thing, who could speak, dance and sing and who in fact, could live like a man. “That’s a good idea,” Lidia said. “Call him Mickey.” So that is what Disney called him. In 1928 the audience saw Mickey Mouse on the screen for the first time. Mickey became very popular and soon Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse were famous stars. Then came other characters: Donald Duck, Pluto, and many, many more. Some of them are bright, some are not, but all of them are usually kind and friendly. And Disney’s main characters are always clever. In fact Disney has created a special animal world full of optimism and success. Disney’s stories end happily. All his films are easy and nice to watch. People always enjoy his cartoons very much. One day an idea came to Disney. He wanted to create a special place, a special land for children and parents to have fun together. So he built Disneyland. Disneyland is in California near Los Angeles.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

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WALT DISNEY’S WORLD I think you know the name of Walt Disney. To many people in our century his name means the world of cartoons. Disney has created a lot of short cartoons and many longer films. His name is very famous, and not only in America. Walt Disney was born in Chicago on December 5, 1901. Then his family left that city in the North of America for a place in the South. When Walt Disney grew up, he began to draw pictures and create cartoons, and one day he had an idea to make a mouse the main character of the cartoons. He told his wife, Lidia, about this mouse character as a funny friendly little thing, who could speak, dance and sing and who in fact, could live like a man. “That’s a good idea,” Lidia said. “Call him Mickey.” So that is what Disney called him. In 1928 the audience saw Mickey Mouse on the screen for the first time. Mickey became very popular and soon Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse were famous stars. Then came other characters: Donald Duck, Pluto, and many, many more. Some of them are bright, some are not, but all of them are usually kind and friendly. And Disney’s main characters are always clever. In fact Disney has created a special animal world full of optimism and success. Disney’s stories end happily. All his films are easy and nice to watch. People always enjoy his cartoons very much. One day an idea came to Disney. He wanted to create a special place, a special land for children and parents to have fun together. So he built Disneyland. Disneyland is in California near Los Angeles.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

МИР УОЛТА ДИСНЕЙ Я думаю, вы знаете имя Уолта Диснея. Для многих людей нашего века его имя означает мир карикатур. Дисней создал множество коротких мультфильмов и много более длинных фильмов. Его имя очень известно, и не только в Америке. Уолт Дисней родился в Чикаго 5 декабря 1901 года. Тогда его семья покинула этот город на севере Америки за место на юге. Когда Уолт Дисней вырос, он начал рисовать картины и создавать мультфильмы, и однажды у него возникла идея сделать мышь главным героем мультфильмов. Он рассказал своей жене Лидии об этом персонаже в виде забавной дружелюбной мелочи, которая могла говорить, танцевать и петь, а на самом деле могла жить как мужчина. — Это хорошая идея, — сказала Лидия. «Назовите его Микки». Так его назвал Дисней. В 1928 году зрители впервые увидели на экране Микки Мауса. Микки стал очень популярным, и вскоре Уолт Дисней и Микки Маус стали знаменитыми звездами. Затем появились другие персонажи: Дональд Дак, Плутон, и многие, многие другие. Некоторые из них яркие, некоторые нет, но все они обычно добрые и дружелюбные. И главные герои Диснея всегда умны. Фактически Дисней создал особый животный мир, полный оптимизма и успеха. Рассказы Диснея заканчиваются счастливо. Все его фильмы легки и приятно смотреть. Люди всегда очень любят свои мультфильмы. Однажды к Диснею пришла идея. Он хотел создать особое место, специальную землю для детей и родителей, чтобы весело провести время вместе. Поэтому он построил Диснейленд. Диснейленд находится в Калифорнии недалеко от Лос-Анджелеса.

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