Переведите и подчеркните то что вставили (Present Simpl)
1.Only English ………………(speak) here.
2.They often ……………(use) robots in factories.
3.Robots …………..(use) in factories.
4.A shop is a building where things ……………..(sell).
5.A butcher ………………… (sell) meat.
6.Maps and atlases …………………. (make) in Edinburgh.
7.He usually ………………….(make) a lot of mistakes.
8.We usually ………………….(translate) texts.
9.His poems …………………………………(translate) into three languages.
10.These games …………………………(play) after classes.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1.Only English is spoken here.

2.They often use robots in factories.

3.Robots are used in factories.

4.A shop is a building where things are sold.

5.A butcher sells meat.

6.Maps and atlases are made in Edinburgh.

7.He usually makes a lot of mistakes.

8.We usually translate texts.

9.His poems are translated into three languages.

10.These games are played after classes.

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