Очень срочно, умоляю сделайте(даю 36 баллов!!) выпишите из текста слова и словосочетания со следующим значением: 1) приготовить собственный обед 2) особый случай/повод 3) юбилей/годовщина 4) кухня (о блюдах, а не о месте) 5) еда на вынос 6) подавать (еду) 7) традиционные блюда 8) дешевое место. Вот сам текст: Places to eat in the UK A Sandwich bars Most people I the UK work I offices. They don’t have time to make their own lunch. This is why sandwich bars are so popular. In a sandwich bar you can buy sandwiches, pastries, cakes, soft drinks, juice and coffee. Then you may choose to eat your lunch there, or take it back to work. B Restaurants British people go to restaurants on special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries, or on business meetings. People like to visit all sorts of restaurants. Indian, Italian and Mexican cuisine are all very popular. British food is very tasty as well. The dishes usually include fresh meat or fish with vegeables. C Fish and chips shops Fish and chips are England’s traditional takeaway food. These shops serve fried fish covered in batter with fried potatoes. People like toad salt and vinegar, peas, tomato ketchup or curry sauce. There are thousands of fish and chips shops all over Britain. Locals and tourists all love to visit them. D Pie and Mash shops Pie and mash is one of Britain’s most traditional dishes! It is exactly what it says: meat pies with mashed potato in herb sauce. The first pie and mash shop daes back two hundred years. Today, pie ad mash shops are very simple and cheap places to eat.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Очень срочно, умоляю сделайте(даю 36 баллов!!)
выпишите из текста слова и словосочетания со следующим значением:

1) приготовить собственный обед

2) особый случай/повод

3) юбилей/годовщина

4) кухня (о блюдах, а не о месте)

5) еда на вынос

6) подавать (еду)

7) традиционные блюда

8) дешевое место.

Вот сам текст:
Places to eat in the UK
A Sandwich bars
Most people I the UK work I offices. They don’t have time to make their own lunch. This is why sandwich bars are so popular. In a sandwich bar you can buy sandwiches, pastries, cakes, soft drinks, juice and coffee. Then you may choose to eat your lunch there, or take it back to work.
B Restaurants
British people go to restaurants on special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries, or on business meetings. People like to visit all sorts of restaurants. Indian, Italian and Mexican cuisine are all very popular. British food is very tasty as well. The dishes usually include fresh meat or fish with vegeables.
C Fish and chips shops
Fish and chips are England’s traditional takeaway food. These shops serve fried fish covered in batter with fried potatoes. People like toad salt and vinegar, peas, tomato ketchup or curry sauce. There are thousands of fish and chips shops all over Britain. Locals and tourists all love to visit them.
D Pie and Mash shops
Pie and mash is one of Britain’s most traditional dishes! It is exactly what it says: meat pies with mashed potato in herb sauce. The first pie and mash shop daes back two hundred years. Today, pie ad mash shops are very simple and cheap places to eat.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1)to make their own lunch

2)special occasions


4)dishes если нет то cuisine

5)takeaway food

6)не нашел извини(

7)traditional dishes

8)cheap place

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