ответить на вопросы What did think the cat? 2) What did say the cat? 3) What did ask the Bird? 4) Why the cat did run away?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

ответить на вопросы What did think the cat? 2) What did say the cat? 3) What did ask the Bird? 4) Why the cat did run away?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1.What did the cat think? — The Cat thought that he would have a nice breakfast. 2.What did the Cat say? — The Cat said there was good news that all animals were friends. 3. What did the Bird ask? — The Bird asked if the Cat saw the dogs running to that tree. 4.Why did the Cat run away? — The Cat ran away because he was afraid of dogs.

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