Определите тип инфинитивного оборота в каждом предложении (Complex Object / Complex Subject / For Phrase)Define the types of the Infinitive constructions in the following sentences• He appeared to hear nothing about this theory.• They believe us to have made the experiment.• We waited for the train to start.a) for — phrase; b) Complex Object; c) Complex Subject.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Определите тип инфинитивного оборота в каждом предложении (Complex Object / Complex Subject / For Phrase)
Define the types of the Infinitive constructions in the following sentences

• He appeared to hear nothing about this theory.

• They believe us to have made the experiment.

• We waited for the train to start.

a) for — phrase; b) Complex Object; c) Complex Subject.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


• He appeared to hear nothing about this theory. Complex Subject

• They believe us to have made the experiment. Complex Object

• We waited for the train to start. For Phrase


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