Образуйта отрицание , пожалуйста;)
1. I am going to study tomorrow morning.
2. My cousins are going to some for dinner tomorrow evening.
3. I am going to buy some new clothes next weekend.
4. My sister is going to visit London next month.
5. We are going to skiing next winter
6. Spain is going to win the World Cup next time.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Образуйта отрицание , пожалуйста;)
1. I am going to study tomorrow morning.
2. My cousins are going to some for dinner tomorrow evening.
3. I am going to buy some new clothes next weekend.
4. My sister is going to visit London next month.
5. We are going to skiing next winter
6. Spain is going to win the World Cup next time.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1) is not 2) are not 3) am not 4) is not 5) are not 6) is not

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