Нужно сделать утвердительное и отрицательное предложение!)
За рание спасибо)))
1)Richard and Garylger(get)…dressed foraparty.
3)Sue was in bed bat she(not sleep)…
4)It(rain)… outside
5)Jack and Peter were inthe living room, but they (not wateh)… TV
6)Kate (drink)… tea
7)Maria’s parents (eat)… pizza

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Нужно сделать утвердительное и отрицательное предложение!)
За рание спасибо)))
1)Richard and Garylger(get)…dressed foraparty.
3)Sue was in bed bat she(not sleep)…
4)It(rain)… outside
5)Jack and Peter were inthe living room, but they (not wateh)… TV
6)Kate (drink)… tea
7)Maria’s parents (eat)… pizza

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1)Richard and Garylger are getting dressed for a party.

2)We are having dinner.

3)Sue was in bed bat she wasn’t sleeping

4)It is raining outside

5)Jack and Peter were inthe living room, but they weren’t watching TV

6)Kate is drinking tea

7)Maria’s parents are eating pizza

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