Нужно выбрать, чем заполнить пропуски (герундий или инфинитив?) Ted: I’ll never forget ….. (go) to New York for the first time. I was incredibly excited although I was trying………………….. (act) cool and casual. Tom: I know. I remember……………….. (be) quite envious because I wanted ………….. (go) there too. Ted: Yes, I know. I was a bit over the top, wasn’t I? I’m sorry for………………….. (behave) so badly then. Tom: Yes, you were! You just went on………………….. (talk) about New York constantly. It was quite funny though when I think back. You hardly let me…………….. (say) a word. Ted: I’m sorry, but you know that in my excitement I nearly left a lot of things behind like my camera and my money. Tom: I didn’t know you had such a bad memory. Ted: I’m not usually so forgetful. I had a lot on my mind. Anyway, I don’t remember actually…………………… (leave) anything behind in the end. Tom: How did you feel when you first arrived there? Ted: I remember………………… (worry) about what to do and where to go. I wanted………………… (see) everything but I didn’t know where………… (begin). Tom: So where did you go first? Ted: Well, we started the 5th Avenue. At first, the traffic was so bad that I was afraid……………….. (cross) the road. But it got easier. I saw the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty and lots of other things. It was incredible! I love New York! Tom: Me too, and …. (tell) you the truth, mainly because ….. (be) there it is much more exciting than in our home town in Ohio.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Нужно выбрать, чем заполнить пропуски (герундий или инфинитив?)

Ted: I’ll never forget ….. (go) to New York for the first time. I was incredibly excited although I was trying………………….. (act) cool and casual.
Tom: I know. I remember……………….. (be) quite envious because I wanted ………….. (go) there too.
Ted: Yes, I know. I was a bit over the top, wasn’t I? I’m sorry for………………….. (behave) so badly then.
Tom: Yes, you were! You just went on………………….. (talk) about New York constantly. It was quite funny though when I think back. You hardly let me…………….. (say) a word. Ted: I’m sorry, but you know that in my excitement I nearly left a lot of things behind like my camera and my money.
Tom: I didn’t know you had such a bad memory.
Ted: I’m not usually so forgetful. I had a lot on my mind. Anyway, I don’t remember actually…………………… (leave) anything behind in the end.
Tom: How did you feel when you first arrived there?
Ted: I remember………………… (worry) about what to do and where to go. I wanted………………… (see) everything but I didn’t know where………… (begin).
Tom: So where did you go first?
Ted: Well, we started the 5th Avenue. At first, the traffic was so bad that I was afraid……………….. (cross) the road. But it got easier. I saw the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty and lots of other things. It was incredible! I love New York!
Tom: Me too, and …. (tell) you the truth, mainly because ….. (be) there it is much more exciting than in our home town in Ohio.

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2. to

3.to be

4.to go



7.to say








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