Написать предложение у минулому простому времени. Очень срочно надо. 1. Ann help mum to cook supper. 2. He play computer games. 3. They visit their aunt. 4. We buy fresh fruit at the market. 5. She write the letter to her pan-fried. 6. I do my morning, exercises in the morning. 7. We go to the cinema on Sunday. Заранее спасибо большое.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Написать предложение у минулому простому времени. Очень срочно надо.
1. Ann help mum to cook supper.
2. He play computer games.
3. They visit their aunt.
4. We buy fresh fruit at the market.
5. She write the letter to her pan-fried.
6. I do my morning, exercises in the morning.
7. We go to the cinema on Sunday.
Заранее спасибо большое.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

Ann helped mum to cook supper

He played computer games

They visited their aunt

We bought fresh fruit at the market

She wrote the letter to her pan-friend

I did my morning exercises in the morning

We went to the cinema on sunday

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