Найти ошибки в форме глаголов(если имеются) и исправить их 1) They have a big house in the suburbs of Madrid. 2) The kids aren’t wanting any more biscuits. 3) That laptop belongs to me. 4) I’m not enjoying this party. The music is too loud. 5) How much is this perfume costing?

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Найти ошибки в форме глаголов(если имеются) и исправить их

1) They have a big house in the suburbs of Madrid.
2) The kids aren’t wanting any more biscuits.
3) That laptop belongs to me.
4) I’m not enjoying this party. The music is too loud.
5) How much is this perfume costing?

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1) They have got a big house in the suburbs of Madrid.

2) The kids don’t want any more biscuits.

3) That laptop belongs to me. That laptop is mine.

4) I’m not enjoying this party. The music is too loud.

5) How much does this perfume cost?


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