маленький рассказ на английском на тему хулиганство

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

маленький рассказ на английском на тему хулиганство

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

I’m really glad to hear you’re through with your exams. Now that your studies are over you can do whatever you feel like. 

The juvenile delinquency awareness week at our school was a success I guess. We had people from the police department coming to tell us about penalties for delinquency. We watched a lot of films on the subject and wrote a composition on how to eliminate juvenile delinquency at schools.

You wrote me about some party in your last letter, so tell me more about it. What kind of party will it be? Will there be lots of people invited? Who are you planning on going out with?

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