Использовать условные 1 или 2 1.If we (live) in Mexico,we(speak) Spanish. 2.If I (have) her now ,we (discuss) the problem. 3.If I (see) her now,I (tell) her the truth.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Использовать условные 1 или 2
1.If we (live) in Mexico,we(speak) Spanish.
2.If I (have) her now ,we (discuss) the problem.
3.If I (see) her now,I (tell) her the truth.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1. If we lived in Mexico, we would speak Spanish.

2. If I had her now, we would discuss the problem.

3. If I saw her now, I would tell her the truth.

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