Измените предложения по модели.
Model: We often write letters to our parents.
We are writing letters to our parents.
1. I learn English at school.
2. He works hard at his French.
3. Mr. White doesn’t give a lecture.
4. I prepare for the test.
5. He stands at the table.
6. He has breakfast.
7. He speaks English
8. He plays tennis.

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Измените предложения по модели.
Model: We often write letters to our parents.
We are writing letters to our parents.
1. I learn English at school.
2. He works hard at his French.
3. Mr. White doesn’t give a lecture.
4. I prepare for the test.
5. He stands at the table.
6. He has breakfast.
7. He speaks English
8. He plays tennis.

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

I am learning English at school

Hi is working hard at his French

I am preparing for the test

Hi is standing at the table

I am having breakfast

He is speaking English

He is playing tennis

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