Заполни пропуски в предложениях, вставив it’s или its
1) This is a dog and that is ______ bone. ______ big.
2) This is a town. _____ name is Boston. _____ a big town. _____ in Amerika.
3) This is a flag, _____ colour is white, blue and red. _____ the Russian flag.
4) This is a book. _____ little. _____ an old book. _____ name is «Old Town» .
5) This is my pet. _____ name is Reddie. _____ a young red horse
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Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

1) This is a dog and that is its bone. It’s big.
2) This is a town. Its name is Boston. It’s a big town. It’s in America.
3) This is a flag, its colour is white, blue and red. It’s the Russian flag.
4) This is a book. It’s little. It’s an old book. Its name is «Old Town» .
5) This is my pet. Its name is Reddie. It’s a young red horse

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