Закончите предложения: 1. Diana will try to be more active at the lessons ,…..?2. Vlad isn`t late ,…..? 3. Polina went shopping yesterday,…..? 4. Artyom isn`t sleeping,…..? 5. Danya plays football well,…..? 6. Iliya and Vova often smile,…..? 7. Panteley and Kirill are doing this exercise,…..? 8. Kostya and Egor have done their homework,…..? 9.Kamil and Andrey don`t often get bad marks,…..?10.We can cope with any stress,…..?​

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Закончите предложения:
1. Diana will try to be more active at the lessons ,…..?
2. Vlad isn`t late ,…..?
3. Polina went shopping yesterday,…..?
4. Artyom isn`t sleeping,…..?
5. Danya plays football well,…..?
6. Iliya and Vova often smile,…..?
7. Panteley and Kirill are doing this exercise,…..?
8. Kostya and Egor have done their homework,…..?
9.Kamil and Andrey don`t often get bad marks,…..?
10.We can cope with any stress,…..?​

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык


1. Diana will try to be more active at the lessons, won’t she ?

2. Vlad isn`t late , is he ?

3. Polina went shopping yesterday didn’t she ?

4. Artyom isn`t sleeping, is he ?

5. Danya plays football well, doesn’t she ?

6. Iliya and Vova often smile, don’t they ?

7. Panteley and Kirill are doing this exercise, aren’t they ?

8. Kostya and Egor have done their homework, haven’t they ?

9.Kamil and Andrey don`t often get bad marks, do they ?

10.We can cope with any stress, can’t they ?​

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