Закончите предложения разделительным вопросом: I’m in the same class as you, ….. Your brother is our teacher, ….. He works hard, …. You know about the bank robbery ….. You’ve read the newspaper, …. He lives next door, …. She didn’t pass her driving test last week, …

Вопрос школьника по предмету Английский язык

Закончите предложения разделительным вопросом:
I’m in the same class as you, …..
Your brother is our teacher, …..
He works hard, ….
You know about the bank robbery …..
You’ve read the newspaper, ….
He lives next door, ….
She didn’t pass her driving test last week, …

Ответ учителя по предмету Английский язык

I’m in the same class as you, ain`t(aren`t) I?
Your brother is our teacher, isn`t he?
He works hard, doesn`t he?
You know about the bank robbery,don`t you?
You’ve read the newspaper,haven`t you?
He lives next door,doesn`t he?
She didn’t pass her driving test last week,did she?

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